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Grad School Projects

Michigan State University

For a class called International Design and Assessment, my group and I designed a re-entry video and handbook for students returning from study abroad at Michigan State University. Both materials discussed how students can integrate their experience into their personal, academic and professional lives. An assessment component of these materials was also created.

Diversity Abroad

For the Marketing and Recruitment course my group and developed a marketing and recruitment plan to increase participants in the Global Institute for Inclusive Leadership workshop at Diversity Abroad. It includes a social media plan, personal selling strategies and opportunities for enhanced publicity

EducationUSA​ Academy at DVC

For one of my practicum projects, I planned and facilitated a service learning event for the 19 EducationUSA Academy participants. For this event, we volunteered at a senior home. Students conducted presentations on their countries and socialized with the senior citizens. After the event, I made a document to give EducationUSA Academy that contains a flyer promoting the event, a budget, a pre and post lesson plan as well as considerations and recommendations for next time.  

Marketing Plan



Middlebury Institute of International Studies​

For the International Student and Scholars course at MIIS we were required to create an orientation video for international students on a theme of our choice. I focused my video on the U.S. classroom culture. In the video one can find interviews with three international students from Vietnam, Denmark and Taiwan. These students talk about their experiences in the U.S. classroom. 

ISSS Orientation 

Re-Entry Workbook

Below are some of the projects I completed as an International Education Management student at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

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